. Contemplative Haven: Where We Are

Friday, July 07, 2006

Where We Are

Discerning "where we are" in our prayerlife and on our spiritual journey is often difficult, but necessary. It is not a narcissistic pastime; it is not navel-gazing.

In, "Fire Within", Father Thomas Dubay speaks of how easy it is for all of us to judge normal growth in nature - plants, animals, humans - and when we witness normal growth coming to a premature halt, we immediately know something is wrong. He laments, "Many of us do not at all understand to be applicable on the supernatural level what we fully grasp on the natural level. We are not alarmed about truncated spiritual development."

But we should be. Why aren't we attuned to lack of growth in the spiritual life? Why do we not realize that we are coasting, or even regressing?

One main reason is that we are not aware of, or do not understand, the stages in prayer development. Or, if we do know and understand the stages, we have difficulty actually recognizing them in our own lives.

Study of the stages in prayer development is, therefore, a necessity. Without it, as Father Dubay states, "...many baptized persons depart this life without ever realizing that they were destined to a deep communion with God."

Many. One is too many.


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