Contemplative Haven: Feastday of St. Teresa of Avila
Contemplative Haven: Feastday of St. Teresa of Avila
Asylum for your Refugee Soul
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Feastday of St. Teresa of Avila
"O Life, You give life to all! Do not deny me this most sweet water that You have promised to those who love You. I want it, Lord, and I ask for it, and I come to You. Do not hide Yourself, Lord, from me, since You know my needs and that is the true medicine for this soul that has been wounded by You. O Lord, how many kinds of fires are there in this life? O what great reason there is for us to live in fear. Some fires consume the soul, others purify it so that it can joyfully live forever in You. O living Fountains of the Wounds of my God, how you always flow in great abundance for our support, and how secure he will go through the dangers of this miserable life who is nourished by the divine Blood."
(Excerpt from "Lingering with my Lord. Post-Communion Experiences of St. Teresa of Avila", Introduction and Translation by Michael D. Griffin, O.C.D.)
"A thousand miles would you run to speak with another who you knew really felt it, and yet when you got there, find yourself speechless." The Cloud of Unknowing (Anonymous)
Cradle Catholic, wife, mom, friend, employee, volunteer and generally good-natured black sheep. I've asked Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Notre Dame de Bon Secours) to monitor me here. PERPETUAL HELP. There you go.
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