. Contemplative Haven: Five Things You Don't Know About Me

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Five Things You Don't Know About Me

I was tagged for this meme by my friend forget-me-not a few days ago, so let's see...

- I am fascinated by crop circles.

- I have no sense of direction, so please don't take me to see a crop circle and then abandon me.

- My one dream before I die is to see the Northern Lights. I know I'm Canadian, but I've never seen them.

- I enjoy whistling, and am quite good at it. I sound particularly fine in a large room with no furniture.

- I love old movies. Like this, and this.

Well, that's five, and I'm glad it's over. You know, these kinds of things are nervewracking when you're a very private person. Oh, there is something else, in the interest of full disclosure:


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